DNR Offers Free Exotic Aquatic Plant Watch Training


DNR Offers Free Exotic Aquatic Plant Watch Training


The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is searching for residents who want to learn about exotic aquatic invasive plants, and to maybe even become a volunteer to help preserve our lakes.

Aquatic invasive plants have their own summer travel plans and are finding their way into lakes across Michigan.

According to the DNR, once they arrive in a lake, they can become established before anyone is even aware of their presence.

From there, it can be difficult and costly to manage.

Early detection of invasive plants gives the best opportunity to keep them in check through targeted management.

Knowing which aquatic invasive plants are in your lake, can help raise awareness among all lake users about the need to clean, drain and dry boats before visiting different lakes.

If you’re concerned about aquatic invasive plants, the DNR suggests considering to become an exotic aquatic plant watch volunteer.

This is part of Michigan’s Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program.

To learn more, make a difference, and watch the full training video, click here.