


2023-2024 MAPMS Committee Summary and Directory

Below you will find a summary of all the current MAPMS Committees.  The work of these committees is vital to the continued function of the society.  We encourage all members to join a committee listed below.  Please click on the committee chair link to send an e-mail and offer your thoughts and ideas.  Thanks to all those who volunteer their time to MAPMS.

2025 Time and Place (Chicago, Illinois)

Work with meeting planner to find host site for annual conference based upon the rotation of IN-MI-WI-OH-IL, with other states to be considered as required.  Committee members: Landon Wiet-Chair, Local Arrangements Committee.

2026 Time and Place (Indianapolis, Indiana)

Work with meeting planner to find host site for annual conference based upon the rotation of IN-MI-WI-OH-IL, with other states to be considered as required.  Committee members: Pete Filpansick, Casey Thompson, Landon Wiet, Amy Kay, Leif Willey, Reid Morehouse

2027 Time and Place (Wisconsin)

Work with meeting planner to find host site for annual conference based upon the rotation of IN-MI-WI-OH-IL, with other states to be considered as required.  Committee members: TBD


Consider all resolutions and by-laws changes. Present for consideration all petitions with 10 or more signatures of voting members. Committee members: Reid Morehouse – Chair, Garrett McClain, Casey Thompson, Brian Isaacs


Responsible for all society publications. Prepare timely mailings to the membership regarding events for or promoted by the society. Collect and maintain MAPMS archives. Facilitate operations of technology at conference sessions. Committee members: Leif Willey-Chair, Garrett McClain, Emily Henrigillis, Jimmy Ferguson.


Contact potential exhibitors for participation at the annual conference. Facilitate exhibitor space at each conference site. Coordinate judging and presentation of best-exhibit award at the banquet.  Committee Members: Cory Richmond-Chair, Casey Thompson, Michael Hiatt.


The finance committee will oversee the investment accounts of the Society including reviewing and monitoring quarterly returns, provide reports to the Board of Directors at the spring and fall Board of Directors meetings, and propose any changes to the investment accounts for approval by majority vote of the Board of Directors.  The committee will prepare an annual budget for Board of Directors approval. Committee members: Steve Zulinski-ChairGarrett McClain, Pete Filpansick.

Governmental Affairs

Inform the society about existing, pending or needed legislative / regulatory action of interest to the society. Coordinate re-certification credits for the various states in the MAPMS region at the annual conference and any other society functions that may qualify.  Committee members: Jason Euchner -Chair, Eddie Heath, Garrett McClain, Brian Isaacs, Steve Zulinski, Mark Heilman, Michael Hiatt, Matthew Johnson

Internal Audit

Audit all books and fiscal documents of the society prior to the annual meeting.  Committee members: Casey Thompson-Chair, Reid Morehouse, Garrett McClain.

2024 Local Arrangements

Provide the board with timely information useful in planning the annual meeting. Plan and coordinate all activities inside and outside the hotel complex, at all official society functions. Inform the program chair of local individual with potential for program speakers. Committee members: Cory Richmond-Chair, Amy Kay, Steve Zulinski, Michael Hiatt.


Work with editorial committee, treasurer and the Board to produce and update the membership directory. Investigate ways of increasing membership in MAPMS. Develop of list of those in the aquatics industry to invite to the conference from the host state. Recommend qualified and duly nominated candidates for Honorary Membership as per MAPMS by-laws.  Committee members: Steve Zulinski- Chair, Reid Morehouse, Pete Filpansick, Amy Kay, Leif Willey


Recommend potential nominees for board positions. Determine if nominees are qualified per MAPMS by-laws and willing to serve if elected. Committee members: Garrett McClain-Chair, Amy Kay, Casey Thompson, Pete Filpansick.

Past-Presidents Advisory

Develop and maintain the operating manual. Examine the goals of the society and make recommendations to the board as required.  Committee members: Garrett McClain-Chair, all MAPMS past-presidents.

Program (2024)

Develop the annual meeting program with the assistance of the Vice President. Work with the local arrangements committee in organizing supplemental seminars or workshops. Work with secretary, treasurer and the board to ensure annual meeting expenses are within established budget. Committee members: Landon Wiet -Chair, the Board of Directors.


Responsible for maintenance of the MAPMS exhibit booth. Place advertisements or announcements concerning society meetings and other activities relating to the aquatics industry. Make recommendations concerning the course of actions in matters involving keeping citizens advised of information related to aquatic plant management. Committee members: Emily Henrigillis – Chair, Amy Kay, Leif Willey.

Silent Auction and Raffle

Arrange Silent auction and scholarship raffle. Solicit donation of items and obtain raffle tickets. Work with program and local arrangements committees to produce successful event at the banquet. Produce thank you letters to all item donators.  Committee members: Casey Thompson – Chair, Reid Morehouse, Amy Kay.


Solicit sponsors for annual conference. Ensure that each sponsor is recognized as per conference guidelines.  Committee members: Garrett McClain-Chair, Casey Thompson, Brian Isaacs, Cory Richmond, Reid Morehouse

Strategic Planning

Implement the strategic plan to ensure the longevity of the society. Research and propose changes to the strategic plan as require.  Committee members:Amy Kay-Chair , Pete Filpansick, Reid Morehouse, Michael Hiatt

Student Affairs

Promote student membership in the society. Facilitate the collection of, judging and awards for student paper contest, poster contest and any MAPMS research grants.  Committee members: Pete Filpansick– Chair, Casey Thompson, Emily Henrigillis, Jason Euchner, Eddie Heath, Ashley Wolfe

To read a full description of each committee’s responsibilities please consult the most recent operating manual. 2022 OPERATING MANUAL